The delivery time is 2-3 working days after receipt of payment. We ship the orders from Monday to Friday. The shipping costs depend on the weight and are calculated in the shopping cart and displayed before your order so that you can see the costs beforehand.
Shipping cost refunds can be found at any time in our terms and conditions.
Payment Methods:
Prepayment by bank transfer:
Sparkasse Münsterland East in Münster
IBAN DE28 4005 0150 0043 0116 83
You order the goods you want, transfer the invoice amount and after we have received the payment, the goods will be shipped.
Credit card payment via PayPal:
After receipt of money, the goods will be sent. Please note that the name and delivery address of the recipient and the person paying must match.
KG ZiBoMo e.V will send the ordered goods to the address specified by the customer in the order. The delivery takes place as soon as possible after receipt of payment.
Orders are reserved for 5 working days. If no payment has been received by then, the goods are automatically released for sale again.
All prices shown in the ZiBoMo Shop include the statutory VAT.